November 2024 DRAFT Minutes


Minutes of the meeting of Hackthorn & Cold Hanworth Parish Council held on Tuesday 12th November 2024 at 7pm in Hackthorn Village Hall

Present: Councillors Pickering (Chair), Bright, Graves, Cracroft-Eley and Finney.
 In attendance: The clerk. 

1.    Apologies for Absence – Cllr Marsden
2.    To receive declarations of interest – There were no declarations at this point.
3.    Minutes of meeting held on 30th September- Signed as a true record.

4.    Chair and councils comments- None. 
5.    Clerk’s report on matters outstanding:- Clerk informed council fly tipping has been reported to WLDC, some of which has been removed; tree blocking footpath has been reported to LCC. Cllr Bright confirmed this has now been removed. 

6.    Reports from outside bodies:- No one in attendance. Clerk to contact Inspector Head as police reports are not being sent to Hackthorn Parish Council. Discussion took place regarding recent incident of someone cold calling in the village pretending to be from a bank and collecting bank cards. Such things need to be disseminated to residents asap to alert, particularly the vulnerable. Clerk to contact Maria to see if village WhatsApp group is still functioning. Also to report to police.

7.    Planning- None.

8.    LCC Highways matters:- Potholes on Chapel Lane to be reported. Concern was raised re road to A15. Council asked that LCC consider passing places. Request to be made. 

9.    Financial matters: H. Pitman: £341.25 includes £24.49 for poppy wreath; Hackthorn Village Hall: £25. Payments approved. Council also resolved to make a one off payment of £20 to Royal British Legion for the school’s poppy wreath. The chairman to speak with the head to re future arrangements. Council requests that school make/provide something themselves going forward.                                           

10.    To note general correspondence- Circulated. 

11.    To further discuss & resolve on village project:: Cllr Finney and chairman to get a working party together. Use of Hackthorn history book to provide basis for interpretation panel. Clerk to request loan of photographs in Signpost magazine. Agenda

12.    To resolve on phone box maintenance: Defer. Agenda

13.    To discuss budget & resolve on precept for 2025: Council discussed a grant to Signpost. However, concern was raised re running of the magazine and funding. Clerk to request details and ask for a copy of the accounts before any resolution is made. Agenda Resolved to increase precept to £2.5K in line with inflation.

14.    Items of information to be noted and if necessary to be dealt with at the next meeting:-     Agenda items: Interpretation panel; phone box maintenance, donation to Signpost.

            The meeting closed at 8.06pm

Chair …………………………………………………………..Date …………………                                              
    Meetings for 2025: 14/1 @ 7pm; 11/3 @8pm; 13/5 @ 7pm; 8/7 @8pm; 2/9 @ 7pm, 
            11/11 @7pm                                          353